Tuesday, April 27th 1880
Mr. Ramsay, the Chief Secretary, visited Mansfield on the 21st inst. to be present at the unveiling of the monument erected by public subscription to the memory of Police-sergeant Kennedy and Constables Lonigan and Scanlan, who were murdered by the Kelly gang in the Wombat Ranges on the 26th October, 1878. The hon. gentleman was accompanied by Messrs. D. Gaunson, E. L. Zox, J. H. Graves, and T. Hunt, M.L.A.’s and by Captain Standish, the chief commissioner of police. In the evening, Mr. Ramsay and the hon. members who accompanied him were present at a banquet given to Mr. Graves by his Delatite constituents. Captain Standish unveiled the monument.
It was notified in the Government Gazetie of the 20th inst. that after the 20th July next the reward of £4,000 offered by the Government for the capture of, or such information as would lead to the capture of, the Kelly gang, would be withdrawn. The Government of New South Wales has also cancelled the offer of the reward similarly issued by it on the same date. Provision is, however, made for pensioning any constable who may be wounded in attempting the capture of the gang, and also for the support of the family of any officer who may be killed in the performance of such duty. It is thought that the limitation of the offer of these rewards may induce some of the associates of the outlaws to give information.