Ned Kelly by Ashley Davies

Book by Ian Jones

When Ian Jones writes the booklet with a CD, you know it’s a big production. Musicians Ashley Davies, James Lee, Andrew Ogburn, Andy Albanis, Matt Walker and Adam Gare have produced a musical masterpiece and a must-buy for any Kelly fan. The CD churns out fifteen tracks highlighting the life of Ned, while the accompanying book sets the scene for each score. The music takes you on a journey to Kelly Country while Ian Jones’ words fill your head with visions of Ned’s life. The CD has to be heard to be believed.

Ash Davies Strange Justice

The Album

Battle Lines
“He grew up in the heart of a low–key land war, fought out in the post–gold–rush years between ‘squatters’ – sheep and cattle barons – and ‘selectors’ – small farmers the colony’s government was trying to settle among the squatters’ holdings. In this conflict, police supposedly played the role of peace–keepers, but inevitably favoured the men with financial and political muscle — the squatters.”

The Bushrangers Apprentice
“The colourful exploits of Power and his mysterious young ‘mate’ provided the colony’s press with months of lively copy. But behind the scenes, the bushranging lives of Ned and Harry were far from glamorous.”

Strange Justice
“Without explanation, he dragged Ned from the saddle and tried to shoot him in the head. The revolver missed fire and a fight started, brought to an end when some workmen pinioned Ned and Hall tried to beat him unconscious with the barrel of his revolver.”

Storm Clouds
“Ned and Dan heard of boasts by one of the Greta party that he would kill Ned Kelly and put a revolver in his hand to make it look as though there had been a fight. The Mansfield party was equipped with specially made straps to sling bodies on a pack horse.”

Stringybark Creek
“Knowing that other police were closing in on them, he decided to disarm the four troopers, take their horses and send them back to Mansfield. Two friends, Joe Byrne and Steve Hart, happened to be with Ned and Dan that day.”

On The Run
“He apologised that he couldn’t pay for the meals and they headed off on the last weary leg of this desperate 350 kilometre ride. Two weeks later, Ned returned to leave eight shillings for the publicans wife.”

Outlaw At Play
“They needed money to live outside the law, so within two months they carried out the two most perfectly executed bank robberies in Australian bushranging history. And they turned them into public relations events, designed to show that they had never set out to be police killers and bushrangers.”

Six Demons
“…They were brilliant trackers, superb horsemen, fierce fighters — the only men in the police pursuit capable of matching the Kelly Gang in their mastery of bushcraft. Ned called them ‘six little demons’…”

“An old enemy of Joe’s and Aaron’s, Detective Ward, realised that Aaron was duping the police. He came up with a murderous plan to incriminate Aaron in the eyes of the Gang so that they would come and kill him, breaking cover after sixteen months of disappearance.”

Dance On The Lid Of A Coffin
“Joe and Dan arrived with the news of Aaron’s death. And they all waited for the police train to come. As their four suits of plough–steel armour waited in a back room.”

The Siege Of Glenrowan
“Police reinforcements arrived by train and on horseback, completely surrounding the Inn, cutting Ned off from Dan and Steve. So, as dawn approached, he armed himself with three revolvers and gathered strength for one last attempt at rescue.”

The Last Stand
“It seemed huge, inhuman, a metal monster with an oilskin coat draped over its shoulder. A trooper yelled a warning, fired a shot. No effect. The thing drew a revolver, fired back. And all hell broke loose as Ned Kelly, all but unconscious from loss of blood, attacked 34 police and tried to drive them away from the side of the Inn.”

I Will See You There, Where I Go
“Perhaps more than a little irritated by the outlaw’s eloquence, Barry eventually sentenced him to hang. Ned had the last word. “I will go a little further than that and say I will see you there, where I go.”

A Short Walk To Eternity
“Eventually petition forms with 34,424 signatures were presented to the government. Another 28,000 were said to have been collected within days. Reprieve was refused. Ned’s execution was set for 11 November…”

“I do not pretend that I have lived a blameless life, or that one fault justifies another. But the public judging a case like mine should remember that the darkest life may have a bright side…”